Take a trip to Rome, Madrid, London.. Any major capital in Europe at least, and you’ll see the knockoffs. Products of dubious origin, (usually Chinese) with names like Adadis, Ray-Ben, Louis Button and Calvim Klain, which are displayed on mats on the pavement for easy transportation if any police happen to be in the area.
Because, for some reason, brands are super important to us humans, many small businesses will seek to boost their image and profile by associating themselves with something more recognizable. Piracy is a crime and while some businesses blatantly do not care, others go to hilariously ridiculous lengths to try and get away with it!
We have created a list of times when businesses did their best to grab some of the glory of the bigger brands, often failing with amusing consequences. Scroll down below to check it out for yourself, and let us know what you think in the comments!